Dear Brothers:
Fraternal greetings in the love of God.
To two days already of having vivid the fifth more powerful earthquake in the humanity's history, we continue trusted the author and finisher of our faith, our Lord Jesus Christ.
They have gone falling the you reply of the great earthquake, but other reactions so dramatic are experiencing as; Shortage of foods, fuel and it dilutes, shortage or high prices in all the articles and maybe the most serious and shameful thing has wakened up the pillage and the lootings. We are praying for this whole bitter situation. Yesterday Sunday our churches worked with their habitual cults of adoration and at the same time we enjoy the communion and communication among the brothers, our temples suffered diverse damages; In general they are with cracks and damages in the sky, in particular the third church also suffered damages in its floor and pastoral office, but apparently the damaged building until here it is our fourth church with more fissures in its walls and pastoral house. Another lamentable aspect is the total loss of housings in the case of some brothers and several of our houses they have been damaged. Our churchs of Curicó and Temuco are well, but there are churches sisters that have had total losses as in the city of Concepcion.
Our main demand is the prayer to our God so that it returns the calm to our nation. That their blessed hand covers especially to the weakest as old men and children. That it strengthens us so that in our moments pastors and leaders have doubled forces to sustain the necessities and the preaching mission to the souls without knowledge of the saving grace of God in Jesus Christ.
I will continue informing since in the measure of my possibilities the communication it has been sporadic, but I am one of the few ones that have electric services.
"I will lift up mines eyes I anoint the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth." Psa. 121: 1,2
In Christ,
Pastor David Horta S.
President IMI
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