Saturday, March 6, 2010

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #10

Dear Brother in Christ:

Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ beautiful name.

My heart is broken. My mind is tired, but my spirit is renewed in the trust and renovating power of our God.

The stories that I have seen on my most recent working trip are incredible, such as seeing a ship of 25 thousand tons that was dragged by the force of the tsunami over 20 meters on the jetty of Talcahuano. This is the same tsunami that was taken many lives, as those of the family Villalobos in Constitution.

Today we suffered a hive of earthquakes, many aftershocks of the great earthquake, but also new epicentres in the north of the country.

Thanks to God we are healthy and willing to work in the will of God.

Our Meeting of urgency of the church leadership was orderly and accomplished much and we take some concrete steps together:

1. - we constitute church leadership (Directory) to serve as the emergency committee. This committee will have the ability to decide in the diverse aspects of the emergency that we are living.

2. - the churches will unite in a prayer chain on Sunday March 7 at 10.00 o'clock AM (8 AM Eastern Time). We invite the churches and brothers abroad to unite in pray.

2. - we have decided to go in immediate and urgent help to the families and children of our church in Curicó. We will finance 10 merchandise boxes of relief supplies with an approximate value of $20 each box, trying to increase to 20 boxes according to the resources and helps that we can receive. This will repeat according to the necessities in next days.

3. - we will send our brothers of the Presbyterian Biblical Church of Constitution an offering of $200 in merchandise, this is especially for the families that are in the hills living in tents.

4.-the Methodist men will constitute ourselves in work gangs to remove the debris in the affected churches on Saturday March 6th (Today) and we will repeat it for as many days as are necessary. A temporary "building" will be erected for the fourth church.

5.- The offerings and contributions with the purposes of help either for provisions purchase and medications or dedicated to the repair of temples that you/they are made abroad are needed now and can be sent to:
Chile Relief
Siloam International/AECC
P.O. Box 2061
Bristol, Tennessee 37621-2061

((100% of these gifts will be sent for Chile Relief and are IRS income tax deductible))

The evaluation that was carried out to the church building gives an understanding of the necessity of important resources to leave them operative. The brother architect will give us a report that we will share when we have it.

A reason of special pray is for the many that are suffering the consequences you tense them post earthquake. The sister Ana Sandoval had to be hospitalized due to a heart problem.

Once again it causes us to request the guidance of God in everything, we trust that He will help us to walk once again -

"For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name's sake lead me, and guide me." Psalm 31:3

Pastor David Horta

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