!! We continue to be in prayer !!
Thanks to God, the church is in prayer. We are also thanking God for the abundant grace of God as the church reflects the light of God in this time of testing, in a world and time of apostasy, anarchy, and indifference.
We continue working with determination amid the tragedy. The work has just begun and we need great strength from our God. We have been removing debris of our church buildings and with the help of God we will begin to build again.
Please Pray: Pray for our churches in Chile so that God renew our strength and allow us to be as the followers of God were in the times of Nehemiah - that we will not desert the work by only being concerned for physical walls but that we will also be concerned with the spiritual building of the people. Also pray for us to be effective in our help and that we would be granted the resources to provide the needed help.
We have had good news of families in the south. I spoke with the pastor's family José Morán of church in the city of Constitution. Most of the brothers are well. They lived through the tragedy and they have tremendous testimonies. One of the testimonies is in relation to their church building. When they went to check it out, they found only some walls standing and a very unpleasant odor, when getting close they realized that in the interior was full with rotting fish. Today they with renewed strength meet in the homes and they continue working in the streets and together with taking help to the many that have been without houses or shelter, they take them the Word of God.
Please Pray: Pray for the families in the city of Constitution and for the work of our Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Also pray for those that don't still find their relatives. (The first photo is from the city of Contitution.)
The family Reyes this grateful one for their sentences, they have found their relatives including their nephew in Talcahuano.
The family Villalobos are still hoping to find their missing relative. I spoke with them by phone yesterday to encourage them in the Lord.
I plan to leave on Monday toward the south, the trip to Curicó that was three hours before the disaster has been extended at six hours due to the destruction of the highways. The trip must be properly coordinated since a state of emergency still exists and movement on the streets is restricted.
Please Pray: Pray for the families that have not yet found their relatives. Also pray for our trip to the south.
Today the inauguration of our new president takes place. A great deal of pressure will face the new president, to be the first conservative president after decades and considering the leftist tendencies of the rest of countries that surround the region. Pressure that will increase with the reconstruction of the country and the fight against the liberalism moral tax in the rest of the world.
Please Pray: Pray for our authorities, for wisdom and temper to face the challenges. Also pray so that they will come to Christ Jesus.
In Christ
Pastor David Horta
01 Images from the city of Constitución
03,06,10,16,28 images of the Third Independent Methodist Church building
42, 52,67 images of the Fourth Independent Methodist Church
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