Dear Brothers:
On Monday at dawn I traveled with my nephew Jozabath to the city of Constitution, the landscape that received us was devastating, my heart shivered when seeing like such a beautiful city was roughdressed by the destruction caused by the Earthquake and later tsunami.
We took with us much to help the families of the sector of city called "the puddle". These people had lost everything, housing, clothes, furniture, etc. - they had truly lost everything. We took articles of personal hygiene, provisions, medications and drums with purified water.
We visit the church building of our brothers of the Biblical Presbyterian Church. In the interior there were still fish and sardines of the flood. The building will have to be demolished. Still among those humid, cracked walls and about to fall, we prayed next to our brothers. We gave thanks for the love of God and we begged for His mercy towards them. I am for sure with our Heavenly Father's help, a new and beautiful house will rise for God.
The rest of the day was occupied in giving help to the doctor and to distribute medications among the elderly of the church.
It was difficult to leave and to say goodbye to families so dear in the Lord, as the family Morales Vega and the family of Pastor Morán. We prayed together and I expressed them that after everything, the city of Constitution had not changed. The most beautiful thing continues there - are our brothers and sisters in Christ, those that we love.
Please Pray: Pray for the faithful Church in the city of Constitution. Pray for those who have lost everything and especially for the many that still have not found the bodies of their relatives (as it is the case of the Family Villalobos of our church in Curicó). Pray that our brothers can find where to congregate and to begin to build a new church building.
Today most of the international news organizations are no longer concerned with Chile. Everyone that could move to another place in Chile or could leave Chile have done so. It is a fact and an an impressive number of people are continue to suffer in want of basic necessities. We need those to assist with the physical needs and to arrive with the Word of God, and with the comfort and peace that only God can give to these hurting hearts. This has made us acutely aware of another necessity, the lack of Bibles and New Testaments.
Please Pray: Pray to obtain valuable Bibles and New Testaments to take to those who are abandoned.
By the grace of God, in a few hours more I will travel with my wife to the city of Temuco to work in our church during three days of an evangelism campaign. At the same time we will make sure of that necessities are being distributed to those affected by the earthquake. The trips have lengthened because of the damaged state of the highways. The trip to Temuco now takes approximately of 12 hours. Before the earthquake it took about six hours.
Please Pray: Pray for our safety on this trip. Also pray for our purpose, so that the souls that hear the message of Salvation will place their faith in Christ Jesus.
With love in Christ,
Pastor David Horta S.
President IMI Chile
1-5: I temper Church Presbyterian Biblical part interior and external. The brothers took out great quantity of mud, sand and fish, they are still some remains.
6 - 19 the earthquake didn't respect any construction material, then the Tsunami made the rest. There are places like the puddle that it was not anything, today there are single carps and tapes that remember the place of one that another family, Even heavy machines were dragged by the force of the sea. Is considered that the mass of water reached 20 meters high and entered more than 2 Kilometers. a
Medical care to the oldest on the part of the brother Jozabath
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