Thursday, March 4, 2010

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #8

Dear Friend:

I greet you, Brother, in the love of God.

With sincere gratitude to God for your friendship and personal prayer, I appreciate likewise each of those that have been motivated by their opportune information. I am thankful for each one that is concerned for those of us in Chile.

We are working with all our spirit renovated in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Today I have already met with the Brother Francisco Gallegos González, a professional architect and have officially designated him as architect of the mission. Tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. we will visit the damaged church buildings to evaluate and to have a clear conclusion of the costs required to make the buildings operational.

We will take this report to the meeting of the church leaders to inform them of the true situation. At that meeting, I will also name to the same leadership team as the emergency committee to approach the different problems that we as a group of churches will face. All this is necessary to have an order in relation to the necessities, receipt and destination of resources.

I hope to travel in next days to Curico to take help the families that are in need. I also plan to visit the other locations, as possible, to do the same and to make evaluations of the needs.

I want to highlight and to thank Siloam International for their willingness to help us in our need and to collaborate with us. Siloam International is the first organization that has shown itself willing to help us. I am waiting for the call of Pastor Luis Vega, as my telephone and internet have been restored completely.

Our trust in God has allowed us to continue doing the necessary work in the midst of this great devastation without fear and as well as can be done under the circumstances.

Yesterday at 2.00 o'clock AM I had a great time of happiness when, among the diverse bad news, I was able to locate the missionary Brother Paul Durant, of the Presbyterian Biblical Independent Board in Tennessee. He was in Concepción. Praise God, he is well and already has internet and has communicated with his family in the States.
I will continue to provide you with news as I am able.

"What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee." Psalm 56:3

In Christ

Pastor David Horta
Independent Methodist Churches of Chile

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