Friday, March 26, 2010

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #28

Dear Brothers:

On Monday at dawn I traveled with my nephew Jozabath to the city of Constitution, the landscape that received us was devastating, my heart shivered when seeing like such a beautiful city was roughdressed by the destruction caused by the Earthquake and later tsunami.

We took with us much to help the families of the sector of city called "the puddle". These people had lost everything, housing, clothes, furniture, etc. - they had truly lost everything. We took articles of personal hygiene, provisions, medications and drums with purified water.

We visit the church building of our brothers of the Biblical Presbyterian Church. In the interior there were still fish and sardines of the flood. The building will have to be demolished. Still among those humid, cracked walls and about to fall, we prayed next to our brothers. We gave thanks for the love of God and we begged for His mercy towards them. I am for sure with our Heavenly Father's help, a new and beautiful house will rise for God.

The rest of the day was occupied in giving help to the doctor and to distribute medications among the elderly of the church.

It was difficult to leave and to say goodbye to families so dear in the Lord, as the family Morales Vega and the family of Pastor Morán. We prayed together and I expressed them that after everything, the city of Constitution had not changed. The most beautiful thing continues there - are our brothers and sisters in Christ, those that we love.

Please Pray: Pray for the faithful Church in the city of Constitution. Pray for those who have lost everything and especially for the many that still have not found the bodies of their relatives (as it is the case of the Family Villalobos of our church in Curicó). Pray that our brothers can find where to congregate and to begin to build a new church building.

Today most of the international news organizations are no longer concerned with Chile. Everyone that could move to another place in Chile or could leave Chile have done so. It is a fact and an an impressive number of people are continue to suffer in want of basic necessities. We need those to assist with the physical needs and to arrive with the Word of God, and with the comfort and peace that only God can give to these hurting hearts. This has made us acutely aware of another necessity, the lack of Bibles and New Testaments.

Please Pray: Pray to obtain valuable Bibles and New Testaments to take to those who are abandoned.

By the grace of God, in a few hours more I will travel with my wife to the city of Temuco to work in our church during three days of an evangelism campaign. At the same time we will make sure of that necessities are being distributed to those affected by the earthquake. The trips have lengthened because of the damaged state of the highways. The trip to Temuco now takes approximately of 12 hours. Before the earthquake it took about six hours.

Please Pray: Pray for our safety on this trip. Also pray for our purpose, so that the souls that hear the message of Salvation will place their faith in Christ Jesus.

With love in Christ,

Pastor David Horta S.
President IMI Chile

1-5: I temper Church Presbyterian Biblical part interior and external. The brothers took out great quantity of mud, sand and fish, they are still some remains.
6 - 19 the earthquake didn't respect any construction material, then the Tsunami made the rest. There are places like the puddle that it was not anything, today there are single carps and tapes that remember the place of one that another family, Even heavy machines were dragged by the force of the sea. Is considered that the mass of water reached 20 meters high and entered more than 2 Kilometers. a
Medical care to the oldest on the part of the brother Jozabath

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #27

Dear Brother:

I have just arrived from an exhausting trip to the city of Constitution. The doctor who accompanied me is my nephew, Jozabath Vergés Horta. Soon I will send report of this trip before leaving again toward the south, specifically Concepción and Temuco.

Thank you for your prayers.

In Christ

Pastor David Horta S.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #26

Pastor David Horta, President of the Independent Methodist Church of Chile and Pastor of the Third Independent Methodist Church of Santiago, Chile has prepared a message to be broadcast during the special program of prayer on Saturday. The message may be downloaded at:

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #25

Dear Brothers in Christ

Greeting in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

My name is David Quisbert, Pastor of the Bible Presbyterian Church in Bolivia. We are organizing an Online prayer chain for the earthquake victims in Chile that is scheduled for this Saturday (20th) night from 7:00-9:00 PM (Eastern Time). Also we are going to broadcast the words of our Pastor David Horta. We ask you to add ONLINE to the Continental prayer Chain for Chile. All the broadcast will be in Spanish. But we will appreciate if you could include this chain in your program.

Our links:

Here the List of Radios for our Broadcast:

BOLIVIA city of La Paz
Radio “Espíritu Santo” 1580 Khz AM
Pastor Fausto Lima

CHILE- “Alto Hospicio” (1ra Región – Tarapaca)
Radio Manantial 97.3 FM Stereo
Pastor Ivan Ahumada

CHILE – Cañete (8va. Región- Bio Bio)
Radio Celestial 107.9 FM
Pastor: Joel Salazar

PARAGUAY – Capiata (20 Km de Asunción)
Radio Campo Verde 93:5 FM
Pastor Ivan Ahumanda

BOLIVIA - city: El Alto
Radio Majestad 105.7 FM stereo
Pastor. Miguel Quintanilla

In Christ,

Pastor David Quisbert

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #24

Dear Brother:

I greet you with brotherly love.

As the days have passed since one of the greatest destructive events and natural disasters of the last days has occurred, I have been meditating upon the tremendous testimonies that have come through the suffering. Even though the evidence is all around us, it seems that the the results of the Earthquake and Tsunami of February 27 vanish as it becomes more and more clear and plain of the very presence, mercy, message, and will of our God.

While the nation of Chile and its cities have suffered destruction on a grand scale, gradually they have begun to pick themselves up. The streets are swept of the tons of debris, waste, and garbage that left by the tsunami. While the buildings are now in rubble strewn over the ground and the sea returns the bodies and remains of those who perished, God the Holy Spirit works in the life of each one of us reviving us and cleaning those debris and garbage that keep us from bigger freedom, cleaning, and trust to work while the day lasts: "while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work." (John 9:4)

The faithful church in this country that is located in the corner of the end of the world, must rise with the country of Chile. This church must not proclaim a renovated message of fake faith, neither theoretical faith. This church must be one that teaches and practices the Salvation found only in Christ Jesus.

The church must shake off that indifference and distant relationship with the author and finisher of our faith. The church should be shown with renewed strength from God, reflecting Christ's powerful light, able to reach to the souls lost in the gloom and frightened night of the last days. The church must again proclaim its love for Christ and its desire for the soon coming of our Lord.

The task for us in the immediate future is gigantic - on one hand building, to repair and to accommodate our church buildings - while not stopping our efforts to reach the lost and wavering with the preaching and testimony of our faith to those who have their eyes put on us, groaning in their necessities.

We commend ourselves to the hands of God in everything and to your prayer. I am for sure many are those that are sustaining us in these tasks with their knees. My heart, my life thanks for each one of you.

Dear brother, my only rest is knowing that God alone provides His support through His children and their love. In these moments, I know that God knows our needs. I am trusting that our Brothers and Sisters understand the needs and will be prompted by God to respond to the needs.

This Saturday I have been invited to participate in a radio network broadcast across Latin America for Chile. I will participate with greetings, reflection and ministry of the Word of God. I have understood that this will be aired by the Reformed Bible Broadcasting Network (RBB) throughout South America. The connections will be made via Internet and several radio stations will use the internet programming to transmit the special program throughout the day. God has allowed what has happened in Chile to become an opportunity to preach to the whole continent!

Also I desire to inform you that on Monday I will travel to the city of Constitution (perhaps the city that has suffered more destruction than any other). I plan to send some pictures of the trip. Pastor José Morán has invited me to visit them. Pray so that God give me the words for those brothers that are suffering. I am praying that I will be able to have a doctor and medications with me on this trip.

We have begun a campaign to gather funds and to buy articles of toilet so necessary in these moments without leaving aside the provisions. The prices have continued increasing in all the areas, the gasoline costs $1.29US per liter (about $ 4.89 per gallon), a liter of vegetable oil $2.20US (about $ 8.34 per gallon), etc. The increasing prices make it difficult to provide the needs when we consider the small resources that are in our possession.

Next week I will be supporting the work of the church in Temuco. There will be an evangelism campaign from Friday to Sunday. Because the resources are very slim, I will go alone. Please pray for Cecilia, she doesn't want to be alone, but I know that God will give her strength to understand my duties and peace to remove any fear in her heart.

"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith" Hebrews 12:1,2

A fraternal hug in Christ,

Pastor David Horta S.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #23

This in from Luis Vega, Latin American Director for Siloam International:

We are working with David Horta and his group of churches in Chile in their effort to help the most needy and neglected members of the churches in the South and in other areas decimated by the tremors and to reach out to those families in the neighborhood of the churches who are devastated and do not know Christ.

At this point they need $ 2,000.00 US for each month of supplying food to these groups. They plan on providing assistance for the next 3 months, so they will need a total of $ 6,000.00 to take care of the need. They will also be ministering through prayer and the Word of God as they help with the physical needs.

We are asking those who are interested to send their tax-deductible donations to:
Chile Relief
Siloam International/AECC
P.O. Box 2061
Bristol, TN 37621-2061

As always with any gift that is received by Siloam International, 100% of the funds donated will be sent to the designated effort.

I have spent quite a bit of time communicating with Pastor Horta, checking out the plans, and working with him on the need. I am praying for God's people to help in this special outreach.

Thank you.

Luis Vega
Latin American Director
Siloam International

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #22

This is the latest report from Pastor David Horta:

Our good God allowed that on Friday at dawn, with brother Mauricio Alarcón, we moved toward the south with the mission of arriving to Curicó, to take The Word of God, to visit our brothers, neighbors, children and families of the Church and to give a help by providing needed provisions for those affected by the disaster.

The city was a sad landscape of suffering and destruction. When arriving at the neighborhood of the church, a strong hug of our brothers that waited for us, made us understand without words the heavy load of the stress that these fellow believers are under. The Villalobo familiy's niece's body has not been found.

Please Pray: Continue praying for the Family Villalobos Orellana, for comfort and so that God allows the body of Fanny to be found.

Later we shared a cup of coffee with our Brothers. In fact, we visited all the homes of the children and also of the neighbors around our church.

We found fear and anguish in each house we visited. Many of these homes have often refused to hear the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many times we have attempted to visit these homes, only to be refused entrance because we represent the truth found in Christ.

During this time of destruction, we were allowed in these homes and they invited me to pray for the necessity of peace. The previous night more than 26 aftershocks of the earthquake took place, half of those above 5 points on the earthquake scale. The vigil has been permanent. They sit up all night waiting to run because of tremors. Where can they go for safety?

It was also sad to see the multitude of destroyed homes. The children from the church were safeguarded by the merciful hand of God, although many suffered damage to their houses.

Please Pray: For the work of conviction of the Spirit of God in the hearts of those who don't know him. For peace and tranquility of the afflicted hearts. For the Brothers and Sisters in Christ in Curicó.

Later on we had a beautiful service. Many of the children who attend the church arrived, but the most beautiful thing, is that this time they were accompanied by their parents. That allowed us to preach especially from the gospel to those adults and to pray for them. It was satisfactory to give our help that consisted of provisions, blankets and spreads, this was received with gratitude and recognition toward our church but overall to our God. Praise The Lord!!!.

Please Pray: For the parents of the children, for salvation of them.

When finishing the mission we were full with joy, but in my heart there was a reflection, we should continue preaching with insistence to the souls without Christ and we should maintain help in this time of emergency to the little ones until the families can provide for them.

Please Pray: For each believer, so that we wake up to the indifference of this world and respond to the call of God in the face of the necessity to give testimony and to preach the gospel. For hearts that with freedom and in love give so that the work of God extends.

When finishing this report, I share the following challenge: As well as we have helped Constitution and Curicó we should go in the brothers' help of another of the distressed cities - Concepción. Pray for this challenge. We need some brother with good means of transport to help us.

"Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel," Ephesians 6:18,19

In Christ

Pastor David Horta

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #21

Dear Brother in Christ:

Indeed we have not had a lot of rest. Yesterday, which has become our habit, we were the whole day in the working on the church building. Today we also visited families of the church.

I still have not had time to fix the roof of my house with the damages that it suffered. The damages were minimal, but with all the aftershocks the damage has been increased and will require more work than when the damage happened.

Having worked in this disaster all these days, I find that we are destitute of many needed things, including tents and tarps for emergency cover, lamps or lanterns, an electric generator, etc. The list is long.

At this time, I am encouraging members of our churches to gather toiletry articles, toothpaste, detergents, soap, cleaning supplies, etc. Really in the south there is necessity of everything.

I and soon sending you the report on my recent trip to Curico.

Once again we thank you for your concern and motivation to work with us in Chile.

With love in Christ

Pastor David Horta

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #20

Dear One in Christ:

Because of the great need in Chile, we have decided to extend the special time of prayer until Sunday March 21 with the same schedule - 9 am and 9 pm (Eastern Daylight Time).

This Sunday our churches carried will have special times of worship, prayer, giving of thanks, and actions to help those in need.

We thank everyone for the notes of encouragement and to all who are helping us in this time of urgency.

The time is scarce in relation to the many tasks. Tomorrow I plan to send a report on my trip to the south.

In Christ

Pastor David Horta

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #19

This was received from the General Superintendent of the Evangelical Methodist Church.

Dear Churches:

If you are planning on sending donations to Chile to help those churches that are suffering from the devastating earthquake, please send your contributions to the Conference Treasurer, P.O. Box 751, Kingsport, TN 37660. Mark it for "Chile Relief". They have a bank account here in Kingsport. We will deposit the monies in that account. It creates problems for them if you try to send it direct. There is governmental red tape plus they sometimes lose in the exchange of currencies.


Jim Fields, General Superintendent

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #18

Alert the prayer partners!

Today three big earthquakes took place in our central region, the first one with earthquake characteristic of 7.2 on the Richter scale at 11:39 am (similar intensity to which destroyed Haiti). The other ones were 6.7 and 6 on the Richter scale only ten minutes apart.

At the same time there was a tsunami alert in the beautiful city of Valparaíso at the hour of the ceremony to install the new President. At that instant they evacuated the Congress building. Personally I saw people's desperation as they came out disoriented with fear of the buildings and they were directed to "safe" areas. I am giving thanks to God that this time there were light damages.

I was working on communicating with those of the church before phone lines collapsed once again and the systems fell.

I have made the decision postponing any work in our church buildings until the earthquakes and aftershocks become less frequent.

Thanks to God, today we secured the use of a car to transfer provisions to Curicó tomorrow. We plan to leave 6 am, since the trip has lengthened due to destruction of the highways.

Please pray for our safety while we are on the road. Also for my wife, Cecilia, so that she has tranquility while I carry out the duties of the ministry.

Also pray for the many women that suffer when they have to leave their children in the schools, in this time of emergency - not knowing when the next aftershock or earthquake will hit.

Please don't forget to join us in prayer during this time of testing. We are praying 8 o'clock am and 8 pm (Eastern Time).

"Brethren, pray for us." 1 Th 5:25

In Christ

Pastor David Horta S.

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #17

!! We continue to be in prayer !!

Thanks to God, the church is in prayer. We are also thanking God for the abundant grace of God as the church reflects the light of God in this time of testing, in a world and time of apostasy, anarchy, and indifference.

We continue working with determination amid the tragedy. The work has just begun and we need great strength from our God. We have been removing debris of our church buildings and with the help of God we will begin to build again.

Please Pray: Pray for our churches in Chile so that God renew our strength and allow us to be as the followers of God were in the times of Nehemiah - that we will not desert the work by only being concerned for physical walls but that we will also be concerned with the spiritual building of the people. Also pray for us to be effective in our help and that we would be granted the resources to provide the needed help.

We have had good news of families in the south. I spoke with the pastor's family José Morán of church in the city of Constitution. Most of the brothers are well. They lived through the tragedy and they have tremendous testimonies. One of the testimonies is in relation to their church building. When they went to check it out, they found only some walls standing and a very unpleasant odor, when getting close they realized that in the interior was full with rotting fish. Today they with renewed strength meet in the homes and they continue working in the streets and together with taking help to the many that have been without houses or shelter, they take them the Word of God.

Please Pray: Pray for the families in the city of Constitution and for the work of our Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Also pray for those that don't still find their relatives. (The first photo is from the city of Contitution.)

The family Reyes this grateful one for their sentences, they have found their relatives including their nephew in Talcahuano.

The family Villalobos are still hoping to find their missing relative. I spoke with them by phone yesterday to encourage them in the Lord.

I plan to leave on Monday toward the south, the trip to Curicó that was three hours before the disaster has been extended at six hours due to the destruction of the highways. The trip must be properly coordinated since a state of emergency still exists and movement on the streets is restricted.

Please Pray: Pray for the families that have not yet found their relatives. Also pray for our trip to the south.

Today the inauguration of our new president takes place. A great deal of pressure will face the new president, to be the first conservative president after decades and considering the leftist tendencies of the rest of countries that surround the region. Pressure that will increase with the reconstruction of the country and the fight against the liberalism moral tax in the rest of the world.

Please Pray: Pray for our authorities, for wisdom and temper to face the challenges. Also pray so that they will come to Christ Jesus.

In Christ

Pastor David Horta

01 Images from the city of Constitución
03,06,10,16,28 images of the Third Independent Methodist Church building
42, 52,67 images of the Fourth Independent Methodist Church

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #16

Dear Brother:

Fraternal greetings.

Today has been a long day of work. Today we have been repairing the roof of the Third Independent Methodist Church.

Today I have received news from the city of Constitution where we sent help on Monday. In that city there are many Brothers and Sisters in great affiliction. They have received the provisions we sent and are thankful.

I have not still been able to communicate with our Christian brothers in the city of Concepción. I have been receiving various reports that are somewhat confused. One item of news is that of the Sandoval Family.

You will remember that this is the home where you and your son stayed when you preached in the city. They have apparently lost their house, with possible other losses in the family. I am trying to locate them to find out if the family is safe, however the telephones still do not work.

I will write you a note when I have more news.

In Christ

Pastor David Horta

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #15

¡¡The Church in Chile thanks to God is on its feet, and at the same time we are on our knees as we continue in prayer!!

"God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early." Psalm 46:5

The words of Psalm 46 continue being an inspiration for us. The presence of God toward His children, toward the faithful remainder here in Chile, has been a beautiful reality that fills us with the Spirit, trust and excitement.

We have been in communication with our families in the south and in Curicó. The family Villalobos is enduring great suffering. Our sister María Isabel has been in vigil for nine days. Just yesterday she could finally sleep. She has informed me that they still have not found the body of Fanny, the wife of her dead nephew.

Please Pray: For those who still suffer, especially for our fellow Christian family - the Villalobos. Pray that our good God will allow them to find the body of Fanny and to give an appropriate burial.

The effects of the great earthquake and tsunami are felt in all the areas. When the destruction has claimed buildings of companies, buildings of offices, and fires in big Supermarkets, it has caused a situation of growing deprivation. This has caused a shortage of provisions in all the affected areas and the prices of all the articles have dramatically increased. Our resources to help are limited, with many of ourselves also affected.

Please Pray: Let us pray for provision of God and resources to help those who are in need. In the same way, pray for generous hearts that are motivated to give in faith.

We commend ourselves under the care of our God in everything. Tomorrow we plan to leave Santiago to provide help in the south. Please pray for us and also for protection on our homes.

If you feel in if heart to help with some of our necessities recommends him to coordinate with their pastors or to communicate to this same mail to guide you appropriately.

With love in Christ,

Pastor David Horta S.

P.S. Thanks to all those that have written us a note and they share in our sense of urgency

Monday, March 8, 2010

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #14

Dear One in Christ:

The images of the catastrophe and the aftermath of the earthquakes and tsunamis, it begins to accumulate and to weigh upon those in the areas of destruction. As we begin to have an understanding of the magnitude of the destruction, we begin also to see uneasiness and traumatic symptoms in people.

For the church it is a time of emergency. Yesterday I had to speak, share the Word of God and to pray with the children of the Bible Sunday School. Some of them have not been able to sleep since the events of this disaster. "I am afraid of the Tremor" was the prayer most often heard. While I was praying, I felt a small movement as a tiny girl, Valentina, hugged me as an aftershock occurred. I prayed with her and I repeated to her the text that my Wife has used to bolster her own faith "What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee." (Psalm 56:3).

Please Pray: For the children and those others who suffer fear and its consequences in their health.

Please Pray: For those of us servants so that we are consoled and strengthened in the Lord, so that we will be able to use the Word of God in comfort and encouragement to the Christians that suffer. Also so that God will give us opportunity to speak to those who don't still know Christ as their personal Savior. "Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God." 2 Corinthians 1:3&4

Please Pray: For our pastors and minister, so that God gives us wisdom to take the opportune word to those who are in necessity.

We are praying and we are acting to relieve the suffering. Our church has formed an emergency committee to take on the necessary tasks. Among the most outstanding are: The intense prayer campaign that began yesterday of a special time of prayer for the afflicted nation and for the proven faithful church.

We Give thanks to God because there are brothers and sisters in Bolivia, Colombia, Argentina, Spain, Mexico and United States that have confirmed to us their participation in the week of pray for Chile.

The work of removal of the debris and demolition of the building of the fourth church is underway. The reconstruction and repair of our church buildings that have been affected also has begun. We understand that all the repairs will take time and will be gradual according to the resources that our God offers us for it.

Today our help of provisions that we have sent to the city of Constitution, especially to help our brothers and sisters that are living in the bleakness of the tents and are still without food. We plan in the same way to help the church in Curicó and we hope to provide the same assistance to the church in the city of Concepción.

We thank and we are moved by those who have promised to help to assist us to provide this help, remembering that it is "more blessed to give than to receive."

Please Pray: For the brothers in tribulation. So that God will grant generous hearts that give with freedom.

As I finish, we share and we remember the beautiful biblical portion that has special transcendency because God has allowed us to have this experience: "My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God hath blessed thee for ever. Hearken, O daughter, and consider, and incline thine ear; forget also thine own people, and thy father’s house; So shall the king greatly desire thy beauty: for he is thy Lord; and worship thou him." Psalm 45:1,2,10,11

In Christ,

Pastor David Horta S.

"Because thanks to God it is that we are able, We will be on our knees". This is the way.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #13

Dear Brother:

Fraternal greetings in the mercy of God.

We have just arrived at our house, tired by a long, but renovated day and strengthened in the service to God.

Our churches have begun the special week of prayer for our nation, likewise we are projected to an intense new week of work. We will begin with the purchase of provisions to go in the needy of the churches. We will attend to needs of our church in Curicó and to the brothers in the city of Constitution.

The multitude of earthquake aftershocks seems to be continuous. We have had several again today, but we try to follow our life "Normal", I have listened scientific news that point out that it is very partícular what happens. There is a page that you/they can be continued in real time the earthquakes -

We have estimated that $12.000.000 USD is what we will need to repair the buildings of the First, Third and Fourth churches. This will only allow the start of the first stage of rebuilding for the Fourth church which has been destroyed.

We thank you for your permanent disposition to collaborate and to help with the mission in Chile, my father-in-law always pointed out the condition of your generous heart. Please of my greetings and gratitude to your dear wife for her help.

((Siloam International is accepting donations and sending 100% of the money collected to this aid effort in Chile. Mark your gift for Chile Relief and send it to:
Siloam International/AECC
P.O. Box 2061
Bristol, TN 37621-2061
Donations are income tax deductible.))

At this time we have ended up our second period of prayer. I desire to request special prayer for Cecilia. The strong aftershocks raises depression and dissipation. We were concerned, but today thanks to God, she was already at my side working in the church.

Please greet all the faithful in Christ Jesus that share in prayer the situation that we are living in Chile. Also to those that have given offering through Siloam International.

A fraternal hug in Christ.

"For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Pastor David Horta

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #12

Dear Brother:

I have arrived home having come from the the work carried out in our churches. We worked in men's gangs in the Fourth and Fifth churches.

In the Fourth church we move away debris. As soon as we can we will work at knocking down the whole bad structure. We have prepared a small lean-to structure to allow for the activities of the church. In the Fifth church the Brothers have moved away debris and they installed a makeshift door to provide some security to the church building.

We are prepared to receive donations from God's people and have set up the proper accounting systems. This will allow us to receive gifts directly from our Conference of churches, the Bible Methodist Missions, and from friends that are independent of any of our church organizations that want to send help. We realize that the task is greater that ourselves and we are relying upon our Lord to bring in the needed help.

We are inviting to the different faithful churches in the whole world to be integrated in prayer for Chile, one week in that one will pray for the reasons that we inform every day.

The ideal thing is that who are integrated they inform of the changes schedules and remember to pray at 10.00 o'clock AM and 10:00 PM Chile time ((8 am and 8 pm Eastern Time)).

We will pray for:
1 - The family Villalobos that has lost three members of their family in the city of Constitution
2 - The children and families of the Church of Curicó that have had lost of houses and they are without foods.
3 - For the several families of the churches in Santiago that have suffered loss.
4 - For the brothers of the Bible Presbyterian Church of the city of Constitution that they are still in the hills and they have lost their houses
5 - For the diverse elderly people that have been affected.
6 - For the nation of Chile so that it returns their view to God and it looks for Him for strength
7 - For the Church in Chile, so that God gives us wisdom and strengthens us in the task of giving testimony and to continue preaching the salvation by the grace of God and for faith in Jesus Christ.

Still when we are tired and suffering, we don't dismay.

Today for the first time in the whole week I spilled tears. I have listened to very sad news the whole week, but today I saw the testimony of a man that saved his wife and two grandchildren from the tsunami. He exposed himself to die for them, he hugged them with all his strength. But his arms weren't able to hold them all and the smallest of the three grandchildren was lost to the sea. He has walked up and down the coastline for one week.

Today he fell on knees, among the debris and he lifted a small cap. It is all that has found of his youngest grandchild. He cried bitterly. This one doesn't want help. He doesn't want food. He doesn't want a house nor a car. He wants their small grandchild.

This broke me and I wanted to hug my children and grandchildren and to give thanks to God. But at the same time my heart wondered, seeing so many forlorn hearts and such a great need.

Pray for us!!!

In Christ

Pastor David Horta
Presidente IMI Chile

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #11

Saturday March 6, 2010 9:03pm

Dear Brother:

I am sorry that I could not answer your email inquiry sooner, but I am sure you understand my delay with the magnitude of the devastation. I knew that you have been in contact with David and that you have already been informed of the situation in Chile.

The truth is that our family is doing well. We have had no injury in the family. Our house has suffered damage that can be repaired. Most every structure has some damage because of the heavy tremors Chile has experienced. Here there is no house that has not undergone something given the magnitude of the Earthquake.

The Fourth Independent Methodist Church building has suffered major damage and the building cannot be used for meetings.

Direct relatives of the Brother Juan Villalobos of Curico, passed away because of the Earthquake.

My Mother is calmer. When the earthquake struck, I was only in house since Ingrid and the children were about to leave on vacation to the Beach of Coquimbo.

Today Saturday March 6 and the electricity in my house has been restored for a few hours.

I am appreciative of the prayers of my beloved brothers in the USA. Our gratefulness (from me and my family) to you all.

Greetings to your family especially.


Eliazer Ulloa Vargas

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #10

Dear Brother in Christ:

Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ beautiful name.

My heart is broken. My mind is tired, but my spirit is renewed in the trust and renovating power of our God.

The stories that I have seen on my most recent working trip are incredible, such as seeing a ship of 25 thousand tons that was dragged by the force of the tsunami over 20 meters on the jetty of Talcahuano. This is the same tsunami that was taken many lives, as those of the family Villalobos in Constitution.

Today we suffered a hive of earthquakes, many aftershocks of the great earthquake, but also new epicentres in the north of the country.

Thanks to God we are healthy and willing to work in the will of God.

Our Meeting of urgency of the church leadership was orderly and accomplished much and we take some concrete steps together:

1. - we constitute church leadership (Directory) to serve as the emergency committee. This committee will have the ability to decide in the diverse aspects of the emergency that we are living.

2. - the churches will unite in a prayer chain on Sunday March 7 at 10.00 o'clock AM (8 AM Eastern Time). We invite the churches and brothers abroad to unite in pray.

2. - we have decided to go in immediate and urgent help to the families and children of our church in Curicó. We will finance 10 merchandise boxes of relief supplies with an approximate value of $20 each box, trying to increase to 20 boxes according to the resources and helps that we can receive. This will repeat according to the necessities in next days.

3. - we will send our brothers of the Presbyterian Biblical Church of Constitution an offering of $200 in merchandise, this is especially for the families that are in the hills living in tents.

4.-the Methodist men will constitute ourselves in work gangs to remove the debris in the affected churches on Saturday March 6th (Today) and we will repeat it for as many days as are necessary. A temporary "building" will be erected for the fourth church.

5.- The offerings and contributions with the purposes of help either for provisions purchase and medications or dedicated to the repair of temples that you/they are made abroad are needed now and can be sent to:
Chile Relief
Siloam International/AECC
P.O. Box 2061
Bristol, Tennessee 37621-2061

((100% of these gifts will be sent for Chile Relief and are IRS income tax deductible))

The evaluation that was carried out to the church building gives an understanding of the necessity of important resources to leave them operative. The brother architect will give us a report that we will share when we have it.

A reason of special pray is for the many that are suffering the consequences you tense them post earthquake. The sister Ana Sandoval had to be hospitalized due to a heart problem.

Once again it causes us to request the guidance of God in everything, we trust that He will help us to walk once again -

"For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name's sake lead me, and guide me." Psalm 31:3

Pastor David Horta

Friday, March 5, 2010

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #9

Dear Brother:

Receive our greetings in the love of God.

Today has been a day of work in a large area as we left this morning at 6 a.m. with the brother architect, evaluating church building to church building. In the roads we could observe the tremendous force of this earthquake, high quality highways were moved from their foundations and they collapsed in several points. It was difficult to move from place to place but we made it to the churches to inspect them with the architect.

I have just arrived at home and am leaving immediately to the meeting of the leadership of the churches. This meeting is of utmost urgency. After the meeting I will send you any news that I learn in the meeting as well as provide you with our plan of action.

I have had the first tragic news from our church members which will require that I hurry my trip to Curicó. The family Villalobos of the church has given me the news of their bereavement with the earthquake causing the death of a nephew. Also with the later tsunami, a married couple of the same brothers' family were dragged into the sea. One body has been found. The body of the wife, Fanny, has not returned from the sea. Please pray for the family Villalobos that this very grief stricken and afflicted.

There is also a lot of need for basic provisions. It is my plan to take essential things to the families and children that we assist in the church in Curico as they need help immediately.

I have not had time for tears, but my heart anguishes when I see so very many people that suffer.

Please pray for those who suffer don't know the comfort of Jesus Christ.

Pray for us so that God will give us wisdom to take Jesus Christ to so many souls that feel abandoned today.

I visited in the fourth church, Cerro Navia, and when the technical and final report is complete, I will share it with all. However, the church building is seriously damaged and it should be demolished. The authorities have declared it uninhabitable, so I prepared its closing. We plan to begin tomorrow the construction of a great temporary room that will serve as a meeting place for the church. The house next door that Juan and Mirta with their sons inhabit belongs to the mission, and thanks to God this building is not in bad shape. It seems to be repairable and we plan to proceed with all urgency to make it safe and remove the rubbish of a fire that engulfed the neighboring house.

Today, in our meeting, we will see what resources the leaderhip will assign for these tasks.

It is my plan to send you an email with the news of our meeting either very late tonight or in the early morning.

In Christ

Pastor David Horta S.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #8

Dear Friend:

I greet you, Brother, in the love of God.

With sincere gratitude to God for your friendship and personal prayer, I appreciate likewise each of those that have been motivated by their opportune information. I am thankful for each one that is concerned for those of us in Chile.

We are working with all our spirit renovated in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Today I have already met with the Brother Francisco Gallegos González, a professional architect and have officially designated him as architect of the mission. Tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. we will visit the damaged church buildings to evaluate and to have a clear conclusion of the costs required to make the buildings operational.

We will take this report to the meeting of the church leaders to inform them of the true situation. At that meeting, I will also name to the same leadership team as the emergency committee to approach the different problems that we as a group of churches will face. All this is necessary to have an order in relation to the necessities, receipt and destination of resources.

I hope to travel in next days to Curico to take help the families that are in need. I also plan to visit the other locations, as possible, to do the same and to make evaluations of the needs.

I want to highlight and to thank Siloam International for their willingness to help us in our need and to collaborate with us. Siloam International is the first organization that has shown itself willing to help us. I am waiting for the call of Pastor Luis Vega, as my telephone and internet have been restored completely.

Our trust in God has allowed us to continue doing the necessary work in the midst of this great devastation without fear and as well as can be done under the circumstances.

Yesterday at 2.00 o'clock AM I had a great time of happiness when, among the diverse bad news, I was able to locate the missionary Brother Paul Durant, of the Presbyterian Biblical Independent Board in Tennessee. He was in Concepción. Praise God, he is well and already has internet and has communicated with his family in the States.
I will continue to provide you with news as I am able.

"What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee." Psalm 56:3

In Christ

Pastor David Horta
Independent Methodist Churches of Chile

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #7

Dear Brother:

A fraternal hug in the love of God.

Thank you for your concern, especially your personal prayer, as well as the motivation so that the people of God in the States are requesting with supplication before the throne of grace, for our nation that suffers and especially for the church in Chile.

We are firm and trusting in our "Rock of Salvation." The social order is restoring, thanks to the firm hand of the government. This will allow to begin the gigantic task of recovery in all areas.

My vision during this distress is to use this as a favorable time to give an answer to the people that ask "where to look for help and to whom will we go?" The church is to give that answer and invitation to them by reminding them of God's Word: "I will lift up mines eyes to the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth." We then have the opportunity to invite them to look at Christ who has eternal life.

The Church is working to compile a list of all that must be done to repair or replace all that has been destroyed.

On Friday (March 5th) we will have a meeting of the church directory to decide on the urgent actions that we will take in relation to at least three problems:

1. - evaluation of the damages of our church buildings and the losses in general.

2. - I have begun to create a communication net with the Brother Andrés Carrasco that is in the area affected to look for people and especially to locate siblings of sister churches. For we will use it the several communal (low power) radio stations that are still working and my own contacts in each city.

3. - we will see the urgent necessities of foods and as covering all those necessities. Especially the families of the church of Curicó that suffered with more intensity and at the moment there is lack of everything. I am planning a trip for next week if I can find a means of transportation. We are still waiting for news of sister churches in Talca, Constitution and Concepción. We will see what the needs are and how we may be able to help them.

If there are churches or brothers in the States that want to contribute for these diverse necessities, we will form a committee of urgency that receives and dedicate the resources appropriately. I will be informing with more details on this.

((As a note to the reader, Pastor Luis Vega who serves as Director of Latin America for Siloam International is working to collect funds to relieve the suffering in Chile. Donations may be sent to Siloam International, AECC, P.O. Box 2061, Bristol, Tennessee 37621-2061. Mark the gift for Chile Relief. All gifts are income-tax deductible and the entire amount of any gift designated for Chile Relief will be used 100% for that purpose.))

A good news, the family Reyes, Uncles and nephews of Yalinne that are in Dichato, escaped with only with their lives and they are camping in the hills. Today food, medicine, and other necessities were distributed to them. Please continue praying for all those that are under these conditions. Many Christians in Talca and Constitution are in camps in the open air.

More good news is that communication has finally been restored to my house, I have telephone and internet, what we will take advantage to continue with the contact work and communication.

We have a prayer meeting with our family every day, with may local Christian brothers joining with us each day. We continue praying for the security of the brothers. Today we had an especially strong aftershock (grade 6.3) and there was a tsunami alert in Concepción.

Psa. 62: 7
"In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God."

In Christ,

Pastor David Horta

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #6

Praying Partners:

Please continue praying for all the folks in Chile. I receive daily updates from David Horta, EMC Superintendent for the churches in Chile. I will not include items which you see in the daily news, but specific prayer request for the churches and people of Chile.

1. The coastal cities near the epicenter suffered much damage with many areas completely destroyed. Most of the destruction in the coastal cities was from the tsunami waves.

2. Our churches in Santiago, Curico and Temuco did not suffer any major damage. Some of the church buildings and homes in Santaigo suffered cracks in the walls, fallen plaster and some roof damage.

3. None of the immediate church families were hurt or killed. But, several extended family members and friends, who lived or were in the coastal cities, are missing. A few extended family members and friends have been killed.

4. The major concern in Santiago is the lack of food and essential items and the beginning of looting and stealing. Some of the homes have been broken into or people confronted. Many of the local stores have been looted. The nation is under martial law with the military assisting the police to maintain order.

5. The great task presently is to get the roadways open so that gasoline and food items can be transported to the inland cities.

6. The EMC churches of Chile will meet this Friday to decide what they can do to help their friends and extended family members who live in the coastal cities. They also hope to use their assistance to open the door for Evangelism.

Please pray for wisdom and guidance for the national leadership that they can make wise decisions to get medical attention, food and water to those in need.

Pray for church groups that will assist those in need that this will be an opportunity for witness for Christ.

Pray for safety and strength for all who have lost their homes and jobs. They must secure shelter and find the means to get food and basic need items for their families.

Thanks a million for your faithfulness in prayer!!!

Praying the Lord will bless your day with Peace, Joy and Contentedness!!!!

Pastor Jack Hilton
Bible Evangelical Methodist Church
New Danville, Pennsylvania

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #5

Yesterday was a day of work outside of my house; With the gasoline that my son-in-law gave me, I could visit sisters widows that were in necessity and at the same time to visit and to take the comfort, the pray and the word to the families that were with danger of being plundered, thanks to God everything was well. The afternoon we occupy it next to my son David in fixing the roof of the houses that are in the enclosure of the temple, we also clean and we place the broken irons, we lack some. Our speakers fell with the strong earthquake, we broke one.

We have continued receiving brothers' news that are well, but at the same time we don't still know about several people, family and especially siblings of other churches. We request the prayer for those of which anything is not still known, also security for our homes, to pray for the comfort and tranquility of those that have lost their goods, to pray so that tranquility exists in the nation and it is reached the normality soon in all the areas.

Next Friday we will have meeting of leaders of the church and it is in my heart to begin a campaign to go in help of those who are the neediest.

We know about the many that are praying and I request them for love to God they reaffirm their prayer for the church in Chile and for all the signal necessities.

“Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.” 2 Co 1: 3, 4

In Christ,

Pastor David Horta S.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #4

This was provided by a friend who works with TWR

Report on Earthquake

Within the last 40 minutes we have been able to take advantage of locations where electricity is available. For that reason I am able to write to you from a communication center that produces its own electricity. Please pass the following information onto all the RTM offices:

Beloved brothers in the faith and co-workers in the service of RTM, (Radio Trans Mundial-TWR in Spanish) Receive my most sincere greetings from this trembling Chilean land where, after having had a terrible, indescribable earthquake this past Saturday evening, we continue to have aftershocks every 50 minutes to every hour and a half. ALL of those involved in the ministry here in Chile are well. Except for the fear and stress that a situation like this produces in one’s life, we are doing well physically. Of course, many of the homes of our brothers have been damaged and later on they will need to be repaired.

The RTM office ended up in a heap of rubble. Part of the roof fell in, the furniture came tumbling down destroying other things in its path. Tomorrow we plan to begin the job of clean-up and repair.

Along the coastal region of the country the seaquake or tsunami resulted in the death of many people. There are more than one million homes that have been totally destroyed and need to be demolished. In many places of the country there is no electricity, including Santiago, nor drinkable water nor gas. The gas stations have no gas and even if they do they cannot sell because there is no electricity. The highways have taken a severe blow to their infrastructure. Hundreds of bridges are down which makes traveling impossible. The airport is inoperable so no flights are going out. Everything is broken.. They are permitting incoming flights only because the runways are still in good condition, but the passengers get off on the runway and they are taken by bus to the center of Santiago. The supermarkets are practically empty. There is no food. (We are beginning to feel the effects of the lack of food resources. I tell you this because we are feeling it ourselves.) In many places the people are starting to loot in order to get food. Unfortunately, many delinquents are participating in this and they rob places like hardware stores and other businesses… The government had to declare Martial Law to control the situation, placing the military on the streets. We have lost complete contact with the directors of the radio stations we work together with because there is NO telephone connection.

Well, they’re telling me that my time is up. Another person is here waiting to go on-line. So, I close until the next time unable to tell you when that will be…

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #3

Dear Brother:

Affectionate greetings from the end of the world (Chile).

Thanks to God all we are well. A little scared, but without which to be sorry and if not to be thankful for God that has taken care of to us and preserved up to here. Some small incidents, but that the brothers have known to draw for with the aid of God. Our church building has some cracks that we are going to evaluate to know what we should do to fix them.

Lamentably many of our compatriots have suffered. We praying for them God would bless them with His direction and peace at the moment. We are thankful for your prayer, and also your concern for us. God's blessings to those who pray.

Affectionate and been thankful for greetings from this noble called country Chile… Our President of Chile has called for us to be strong! We have ten times the strength with God's help! Brother thanks.

Manuel Ulloa V.
Pastor - First Independent Methodist Church

Chile Earthquake Aftermath #2

Dear Brother

Greetings in the love of God.

Already spent two days of one of the biggest catastrophic events in the modern history, gradually is returning to the "normality", a very special normality, since they continue you reply of the great earthquake and tsunamí, and diverse consequences like the lamentable ones that informed them yesterday are appearing. Thanks to God we didn't have lost of lives in our congregations but there are many families of the church that have family that are missing, as the family Reyes, uncles and nephews of Yalinne, there are Also siblings of other churches that don't still appear and I request you the pray for them.

We were worried by the pastor Joël Sandoval and family that a time of vacations was passing in the city of Linares, city that is in the epicentre, but yesterday already informed me that they come from turn.

Last night was since a night of vigil families of the third church they were threatened of looting, the family Plaza Barrientos and the family Barriga Cortes, newly we have known that they stole for surroundings but families are thanks to God they were taken care by our Celestial Father's hand mercy.

We are strengthened and we trust our God who is firmly "our help and strength". we Thank the prayer and all the concern. In the measure of my possibilities I will continue informing them. Thanks to God I have had permanent services of light and it dilutes and also although intermittent internet and telephone, already today in the morning it has been normalized so they can call if they want it (56-02 - 3175451). During the afternoons there is several that arrive home gives birth to see some news.

My mother-in-law the sister Flora this well, my father, the brother Luis is well and with us, Manuel with his family is well and already working, the pastor Daniel and his family don't have novelty, the other leaders and pastors are well.

Yesterday thanks to God my son-in-law, Andrés brought me so gasoline today I will travel with two siblings to the church to work in lifting the roof of the temple and the lateral house
Continue praying for these whole reasons. for my part I will try to continue informing them in reason of the possibilities.
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; " Psa. 46:1,2
In Christ

David Horta S.

Chile Earthquake Aftermath

Dear Brothers:

Fraternal greetings in the love of God.

To two days already of having vivid the fifth more powerful earthquake in the humanity's history, we continue trusted the author and finisher of our faith, our Lord Jesus Christ.

They have gone falling the you reply of the great earthquake, but other reactions so dramatic are experiencing as; Shortage of foods, fuel and it dilutes, shortage or high prices in all the articles and maybe the most serious and shameful thing has wakened up the pillage and the lootings. We are praying for this whole bitter situation. Yesterday Sunday our churches worked with their habitual cults of adoration and at the same time we enjoy the communion and communication among the brothers, our temples suffered diverse damages; In general they are with cracks and damages in the sky, in particular the third church also suffered damages in its floor and pastoral office, but apparently the damaged building until here it is our fourth church with more fissures in its walls and pastoral house. Another lamentable aspect is the total loss of housings in the case of some brothers and several of our houses they have been damaged. Our churchs of Curicó and Temuco are well, but there are churches sisters that have had total losses as in the city of Concepcion.

Our main demand is the prayer to our God so that it returns the calm to our nation. That their blessed hand covers especially to the weakest as old men and children. That it strengthens us so that in our moments pastors and leaders have doubled forces to sustain the necessities and the preaching mission to the souls without knowledge of the saving grace of God in Jesus Christ.

I will continue informing since in the measure of my possibilities the communication it has been sporadic, but I am one of the few ones that have electric services.

"I will lift up mines eyes I anoint the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth." Psa. 121: 1,2

In Christ,

Pastor David Horta S.

President IMI