Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Prayer Requested for Dina Aguilara

This was just received from Fabian - husband of Dina


I come home at this time is 3:03 a.m. at the end I had to take a clinic Dina Emergency ... In no State Hospital bed 3 hours were unattended in the clinic to let the 01 hospitalized ... : 30 AM we conducted another nuclear magnetic resonance ...first thing tomorrow she will have a test that she needs to do with hospitalization, is called "lumbar puncture" will remove fluid from the brain, a healthy person receives and absorbs fluid from the brain within 3 minutes is received and absorbed ... in the case of the liquid Dina is there and is causing what is called "papilledema" is increasing intracranial pressure and therefore may cause greater damage to the brain. Papilloedema is produced by increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure inside the skull (intracranial hypertension) that is transmitted through the socket to the eyeball. In addition to the consequences this has left in Dina the lack of mobility,strength and balance loss and aphasia in the expression and rule out otherneurological damage ...
I'll spend the new year at the clinic Dinita!
Keep informed and keep praying for us

Fabián Sanhueza

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