Much time has passed since the tragedy of the earthquake and tsunami of the 27 of February in our country of Chile, the Independent Methodist Church of Chile has initiated the campaign to bring bibles to those who have none. We are working to take spiritual food, by means of the Word of GOD, to people who do not yet know Christ as their personal Saviour. This will be aimed at those that we were able to provide food, water, clothes and medical attention, thanks be to God.
THIS CAMPAIGN WILL EXTEND UNTIL THE END OF APRIL. AT THAT TIME ITHE SECOND TOUR TO THE PLACES AFFECTED IN THE EARTHQUAKE. Our Mission will take a team of 20 well-educated young people in personal evangelism, during the first week of May. It is our desire to distribute 200 to 300 bibles. As with the Campaign of Prayer that we maintained, we trusted that God will touch the heart not only of our congregations, but of many brothers of different churches and brother organizations from CIEF, and others, that can participate.
HOW CAN YOU PARTICIPATE? In Chile, each Bible costs 2,000 pesos (4 dollars US approx.). Those that feel in their heart to contribute with money to acquire these bibles, we will be thankful to them and ask them to send their offering to Siloam International, P.O. Box 2061, Bristol, TN 37621. Or email David Horta at for information for electronic transfer directly to the name of the treasurer of Asociación Misionera Evangélica Metodista Independiente (AMEIMI), brother ELIAZER ULLOA VARGAS, confirming in addition the amount to the deposit to the mail If you want to have a tax-deductible receipt for use with the IRS in the United States, please send your gift through Siloam International and designate it for Chile bibles.
Our local churches are helping in the campaign as they are giving from their respective treasury towards the Association. The day Sunday 25 of April to the Pastor David Horta Sepúlveda will be due to give to the result of the campaign, who will acquire the Bibles.
We request that you pray that we might raise sufficient funds to buy these Bibles. Also, pray that many can imitate this initiative and that many souls that today are hopeless will come to know the Will God by means of the Word.
In Christ,
Pastor David Horta S.
President IMI Chile
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Chile Earthquake Aftermath #30

Dear Brothers:
Fraternal greetings in the love of God.
At the beginning of April we have had a spiritual time of refreshment and communion in our Church. God has blessed us with a beautiful congress and activities. We have seen the hand of God working in our midst.
Last Friday our leadership group met and we made agreements to face the challenge of the construction of the building of the fourth church, the reconstruction of walls and facilities of the third church and the repair of the damages in the first and fifth churches. In most of our buildings the repair works have begun. We are thankful for the help and offering that was sent to us by the Evangelical Methodist Conference.
Please Pray: Pray for the working in each church.
One week ago we began the campaign "Bible of Hope". Our purpose is to take the Word of God to those who don't know Christ and they have been affected by the earthquake. This campaign will conclude April 25 and the first week of May we will travel toward the areas affected with provisions and the beautiful Word of God.
Please Pray: Pray for those who don't have Christ and do not have His blessings, so that their hearts are willing to receive the Word of God. Also pray for the necessary resources for the trip, provisions and Bibles.
With love in Christ
Pastor David Horta S.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Chile Earthquake Aftermath #29

Last week we concluded our tour of the south visiting the Church in Temuco. It was a time of blessing for our lives and of spiritual refreshment. We had the opportunity to preach for salvation during three days to many new souls. We were entertained by our family in the faith, our dear brothers. They were well, thanks to God, none had suffered big damages. The city of Temuco in many places had the marks of the earthquake. Our brothers sent a greeting by means of the biblical reading of Hebrew 13: 20, 21.
Please Pray: For the souls that received the testimony of the Word of God for salvation and for those who made decision for Christ. Please pray especially for our Church in Temuco and for the health of pastor Daniel Jara.
As we had noted in my other reports, we have observed the necessity to take the word of God to those places that we had previously visited taking provisions, clothes and medical care. In those visits we worked first to assist our brothers and sisters in the faith, but now the idea is to reach those that don't have Christ and together with helping them physically to take them the word of God.
For we have implemented the campaign "Bible of Hope" that will consist in our first stage to obtain 100 Bibles. 20 youths are also needed as volunteers. They will be instructed in personal evangelism and they will be assigned to one of four vehicles. This campaign will extend until the end of April. In the second tour, we will go to various places affected by the earthquake. The same as with the prayer campaign we trust that God will use not only our congregations, but many brothers of different congregations and their sister organizations can participate. We are sending a poster with the instructions for the efforts.
Please Pray: For resources purchase those Bible. Pray so that many can imitate this initiative and so many souls that today are without hope will come to know the Will of God by means of its Word.
With gratitude to our God, we celebrated our church's XXXIII Congress. It was a moment of special communion. We had an attendance average of 130 people in each day. The topics were also edifying and profitable. The activity culminated with a wonderful service in that we celebrated the Lord's Supper. A great blessing was the result of the word of God working in the heart of several, specially the young. Thanks be to God!
Please Pray: For those youths that gave testimony, so that their lives are truly consecrated to the service of God. Pray for the communion in our congregations and that the motivation of sowing the seed of the gospel will be renewed.
We are working in the repair of our church buildings. We give thanks to God that in spite of the limited resources, we are delighted in reconstructing in a better way. We thank the generosity of our dear brothers abroad that they have given to help us in this purpose. Our Conference in the United States, as our dear church "Pueblo Nuevo" in Bolivia has committed offerings of love for it. According to the calculations we still need $8,600 US Dollars.
Please Pray: For the necessary resources to repair our church buildings and to reconstruct the building of the congregation of the Fourth Church.
Several families are experiencing the loss of jobs because of business that were destroyed in the earthquake. Some of these lost properties and some companies lost machinery. Many they have had to reduce personnel. This presumably will bring other consequences. In our churches in Curicó and Santiago have brothers and sisters that now need work.
Please Pray: For those who lost their jobs and now have no means of support. God is providing works and wisdom to face difficult times. Pray for the Family Villalobos Orellana that are still in mourning.
With love in Christ
Pastor David Horta
President IMI
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